As I move through life I am beginning to understand more and more the importance and desire to focus on my Heavenly Father. A shifting of my FOCUS, less on myself and more on HIM. Part of this understanding has come from learning from the mistakes I have made in my life and the consequences and pain those mistakes have caused me and others. Too look INTO HIS EYES where He looks at me with no disappointment, no shame, no condemnation . . . . only love and pride.
God gives us all an imagination. Too often that imagination is used in wrong ways to escape the pains life brings. Too often it is used to put us in a place of fear of things that may or may not happen. Too often worry, doubt, fear, the ache in our souls that come from past hurts, wounds, scars, trauma, we relive through our imagination. Yes, we need to move through what needs to be moved through. We need to feel that which should not be “numbed away”. Imagining they did not happen, or avoiding what needs to be faced, hurts us even more and never allows healing.
However, what if we used that imagination that God has given us to FOCUS ON HIM? What it we moved through our day looking INTO HIS EYES with Him looking back at us with a love and acceptance that is beyond what we could ever understand. What if we tried to understand and “face” HIS love more and more and a part of that trying to understand was focusing not on the pain but the beauty in the amazing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE HE has for us. What is we really; I mean really, used our imagination to look INTO HIS EYES when the hurts of the day hit us. We shift our focus not on the pain of the “blow” and the response we each use when we are hurt, which is often to hurt back or self-protect, but instead look into our Saviors eyes and respond with love because HE LOVES US.
So, try using the amazing imagination God has given you to move through your day looking INTO HIS EYES, “looking not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthian 4:18)
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8